Episode 43: The one about orthorexia ft. Maddie Deakin
“Imagine all the things that you are able to do with your life when you’re not so hyper focused on food... The positivity that comes from intuitive eating spills to every part of your life.” - Maddie Deakin, Nutritionist
In this week’s episode Hannah and Ali talk all things orthorexia. To tackle this topic they head to the land down under and chat with the amazing HAES nutritionist Maddie Deakin (thank you modern technology!). At this point most of the Let Us Eat Cake Podcast listeners would agree that fad diets do not work and can understand why diet culture is so toxic, but the wellness industry can be so much sneakier. The idea of what is “healthy” or “unhealthy” is complicated and Hannah, Ali and Maddie answer questions about how to pursue wellness without it being an obsession and making you unhealthy in the process.
Do you feel a lot of pressure to look and eat a certain way because you’re a nutrition expert?
What’s wrong with only wanting to eat healthy, whole and natural foods?
What’s Intuitive Fasting, and does it follow the same principles as Intuitive Eating?
The wellness industry is often described as a wolf in sheep’s clothing because it’s much more subtle in how it moralizes food and undermines our ability to trust our bodies. In this week’s episode Hannah, Ali and Maddie pull the wool off of the world’s eyes and expose how the wellness industry messages aren’t backed by science, can be full of BS and don’t have our best interest in mind.