Episode 57: The one about Hannah and Ali

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In this week’s episode Hannah and Ali talk all things Hannah and Ali. The Let Us Eat Cake Podcast started with the intention of taking the BS out of the health and wellness industry and providing evidence-based nutrition information in a world where the messages are to fear food and your body. They named the podcast “Let Us Eat Cake” for a reason. They wanted their listeners to know even as eating disorder dietitians they still get messages from diet culture telling them what to do, how to eat and who to look like. This week Hannah and Ali take listener questions all about their lived experience with food, body image and how they navigate weight stigma in health care:

  • Why did they become dietitians?

  • Why did they choose to work in eating disorders?

  • What are their biggest challenges with meal planning and nutrition?

  • How do they navigate food preferences, beliefs and maybe even diet culture in dating or in a relationship?

  • Have they ever wanted to lose weight or change their body?

  • How does a Health At Every Size dietitian experience body dissatisfaction and what advice would they give to someone struggling with body image?

There was no topic off limits and Hannah and Ali kept it real.They want you to know that they are not immune to the impacts of diet culture AND that there is another way to live- one that supports and respects the body for all it can do and the experiences it can bring. Buckle up for this special final episode of Season 4 all about the Let’s Eat Girls ;)


Episode 58: The One About: Rejecting the Diet Mentality


Episode 56: The one about movement for health ft. Dr. Lisa Folden